Welcome to the IV Garden: Greater BOston's Choice for IV THerapy

Wellness and Beauty Bloom From the Inside.

At the IV Garden, we believe that inner wellness promotes outer beauty. Through incredibly efficient therapies such as IV infusions and vitamin injections, we can deliver the hydration and nutrients your body needs straight to the source – your cells!
yoga greenery

IV Therapy Specialists in Lexington, MA

From hangover cures to chronic disease management and everything in between. Whether you’re looking to simply rehydrate after a night out or manage symptoms of a chronic illness, the benefits of IV therapy are incredibly vast. Our team can help customize the IV therapy that is right for you. 

IV infusions allow for 100% bioavailability, compared to just 20% with oral supplements. Oral supplements must be processed through the digestive system which causes breakdown and limits the amount available to your body. IV therapy is the most effective way to deliver the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your body needs. 

IV Therapy Allows For 100% Absorption and Bioavailability of Nutrients You Need

Explore Our Services

Learn about the various services IV Garden offers to help you look and feel your best!

Treatments are customized to your specific needs after a brief consultation. Click on a service or contact us directly any time.

Why Choose IV Nutritional Therapy?

yoga greenery

Boosts Immunity

IV water bag

Enhances Hydration

women running healthy

Decreases recovery time and boosts athletic performance

women smiling

Promotes healthy hair, skin and nails

women on beach

Corrects nutritional deficiencies and imbalances

Popular Treatments That Patients Love

IV Therapy

All our injections and infusions are compounded by a state-of-the-art 503B Compounding pharmacy with strict quality and safety standards.

PRP/PRFM Hair Restoration

Frustrated by thinning hair or bald spots? We can help! The Selphyl™ PRFM system offers a natural

IM Injections

All our injections and infusions are compounded by a state-of-the-art 503B Compounding pharmacy with strict quality and safety standards.

See What IV Garden Patients Are Saying

Discover the Benefits of IV Infusion Therapy

Improve your body’s hydration, performance, nutrient uptake, and much more!

nurses at IV Garden

Here at the IV Garden, we're truly passionate about making patients feel amazing, inside and out.

The IV Garden was inspired by our passion for working with people who want to take an active role in their own health. Just as gardeners use fertilizer to unlock their plants’ full potential, the services we offer are designed to enhance, improve, and maintain your wellness goals. The company’s founders, Taylor Morgan, NP, and Elizabeth Dishman, RN, have their own extensive nursing backgrounds, as well as shared experience working in medical and cosmetic dermatology. We understand that feeling your best means taking care of your body both inside and out. We look forward to working with you, and watching you bloom!

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